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311.2 VAG-COM USB Driver.rarl: Où trouver et acheter les câbles d'interface compatibles avec VAG-COM


Next you need to download VAG-COM 409.1 from the Ross-Tech website: (Use the link for version 409.1 - shown as 'For MODERN SERIAL Interfaces') Save the file to your computer, then run it. When installing VAG-COM on Windows 7, it is important that you do NOT install it within the 'Program Files' folder. Windows 7 protects this folder and prevents programs from writing files into it, which would prevent VAG-COM from working. So when you see the screen showing the location for installation, change it to another folder, e.g. C:\Ross-Tech\VAG-COM:

The ignition needs to be on for using VAG-COM, but make sure you have the right VAG-COM cable for using v4 of VAG-COM. I built my own cable based on Andy Whittaker's site ( and it would only work with v311.2 of VAG-COM.......

311.2 VAG-COM USB Driver.rarl

After trying 311.2 without any luck, I tried 4.091 again and its now recognising the cable but when I run any of the tests it tries em 4 times and says unable to find module so I assume its not comunicating properly (in fact it does exactly the same if I unplug it from the OBD and run the test)

si la velocidad la cambias en el ordenador ,creo recordar que al crear un puerto virtual para el cable usb ,en propiedades des dispositivo usb ,se podia cambiar la velocidad de transferencia de datos ( baudios ) ,intenta bajarla y haz pruebas ,ademas en la pagina oficial de vag-com hay un manual de como configurar correctamente el cable para transmision de datos,


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